
I'm gonna change

Hey guys!

Yes, I'm gonna change, regarding the language I'm writing in. Not longer Dutch, but I'm gonna try English because it's nicer for all the people. So don't be irritated by my bad (?) English, I’m just a dutch girl from 16 years old ;-)
I don't know if I'm going to write much, because mostly it are the pics who doing it.
I hope you'll enjoy, and I hope too that I'll get more followers!

Let's start with nice news: June 19th I'm going to Muse, in Nijmegen! I'm so happy, because they're so good! I'm really looking forward to it...


1 opmerking:

  1. bedankt voor het volgen <3
    jij hebt ook een leuke blog!
    ik heb je gevolgd


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