
Summer feelings

Last Tuesday we had a BBQ with our volleybal team. It was fun, the weather was nice, the atmosphere was cozy, the food was delicious and so on... I love summer evenings, full of friendship, family and fun, and above al: The feeling of freedom. It seems everyone is happier than in winter. Perhaps it's because of the weather, who knows? I've got a conclusion: Holidays is very good on the social field of human! I am glad of sprayers, the smell of freshly cut grass (and people who mow grass), the smiles on faces, a friendly greet (even though it comes from a Granny) and so on again.

And yesterday I went cycling with a friend. The weather was nice, we had enough of water (luckily) and after 15 km we sit by the 'Maas' (go search on the internet if you don't understand, haha). Then we went back and we could say we have had a nice and funny day.
So, what do you think of summer?

(don't laugh at my bike!)

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